Academic paper – Night-time as a strategic referent for an intermediary city
Florian Guérin , Magali de Raphélis & Sandra Mallet published the academic paper « Night-time as a strategic referent for an intermediary city: between attractiveness and
standardization of the uses » in the review European Planning Studies.
This article analyses the nocturnal dimension to the Reims Grand Centre project. It brings out a shift in approach by those involved in urban design, with an increased sensitivity to nocturnal matters. This provides a way of improving user comfort and developing new evening and night-time usages. Nevertheless, this attention to the nocturnal dimension is incomplete, seeking to make places more attractive only to certain parts of the population, leading to various pre-existing usages being displaced or pushed out, thereby increasing social and behavioural normativity.
Read the full paper here
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guerinflo (25 janvier 2021). Academic paper – Night-time as a strategic referent for an intermediary city. SMARTNIGHTS. Consulté le 16 janvier 2025 à l’adresse